Taiwan Bad Loans

Taiwan bad loans increased by $400m in July

Total outstanding loans increased to $1.19t at the end of July.

Taiwan banks’ profits flat in 2023

Bottom lines are expected to remain flat in the same year.

Taiwan banks’ NPL ratio at 0.16% in May

NPLs across the 39 domestic banks in the country totalled US$1.98b.   Taiwan banks’ average non-performing loans ratio stood at 0.16% in May, 0.05 percentage points lower than in the same month in 2021, according to data released by the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC).   NPLs across the 39 domestic banks in Taiwan totalled US$1.98b (NT$57.58b), an increase of US$0.01b (NT$0.32b) from the $1.97b (NT$57.16b) as of end April.   Total outstanding loans across 39 domestic banks rose to $7.14b (NT$207.5b) during the same period.

Taiwan’s B2B sector sees bad debt triple

The local chemicals industry has as high as 12% of B2B debt turning sour.

Taiwan bad loans climb to $2.24b in February

NPL ratio of all 39 domestic banks also increase to 0.18%.

Taiwan bad loans increased to $2.24b in February

The regulator says the asset quality of domestic banks remain ‘manageable’