Affin Bank

Affin bank provides a suite of financial products and services that is catered to both retail and corporate customers. The target business segments are categorized under key business units such as Community Banking, Enterprise Banking, Corporate Banking and Treasury.

See below for the Latest Affin Bank News, Analysis, Profit Results, Share Price Information, and Commentary.

Affin Bank slashes down target for 2nd OMG Campaign to $653.5mn

Affin Bank slashes down target for 2nd OMG Campaign to $653.5mn

The campaign’s was able to receive 9.7mn entries and garnered in excess of $392.1mn retail deposits growth. Affin Bank Bhd is targeting less than RM2 billion ($653.49 million) for the second Oh My Goshh! (O.M.G) deposit savings campaign to be launched on June 1.

Affin Bank launches new fixed deposit product

Product enables customers with account in local currency to be converted to any foreign currency.

Affin Bank mulls EON Cap takeover

Lender banks on improving financials and fundraising potential for bid despite criticized for being small.