State-owned Bangladesh banks disburse 40% agri-loans
The four state-owned commercial banks and two specialized banks in Bangladesh have disbursed 40% of special agricultural loans within seven and a half months.
The banks disbursed the loans in the sector of non-traditional agricultural products at only 2 percent interest, according Bangladesh Bank sources.
The state-owned commercial banks- Sonali, Janata, Agrani and Rupali- and the specialized Bangladesh Krishi Bank and Rajshahi Kri Unnayan Bank set a target to disburse agricultural loans worth US$13.4 million jointly in the current fiscal year.
The banks have already disbursed loans worth US$5.3 million from July 2010 to February 17, 2011, which is equivalent to 40 per cent of the total target.
According to sources, Bangladesh Krishi Bank disbursed the highest amount of loans with a rate of 53.44 percent while Rupali Bank gave the lowest 5.7 percent of the target.