
What you don't know about Indian Rupee volatility

The purpose of the article is to draw attention on the recent volatility in Indian Rupee, various hedging options and effective hedging strategies.

Evolving Business Models in India’s Mutual Fund Industry

The Indian mutual fund industry has been going through turmoil in the last few years due to uncertain market conditions and regulatory changes. Many firms, predominantly foreign ones, have exited the industry since 2008.

Why India rupee is on its path to recovery

Rupee completed its biggest weekly gain since October 2009 amidst optimism over increasing dollar supply. The INR closed at Rs. 63.50 against the USD. Equity markets traded with a cautious note ahead of the US Fed meet scheduled on 18th September 2013.

India lends US$2.29 billion to public sector banks

Bonanza to be followed by a second tranche in early 2014.

India could soon launch interest rate futures

Part of move to deepen its financial markets.

How banks will benefit from infrastructure services in India

Indian banks are staring at the prospect of an increase in non-performing assets, mainly due to their large exposure to infrastructure sector.  Infra sector has been affected by govt. policies (effects most visible in power sector) and the general economic slowdown, which has resulted in lower demand across-the-board. 

Important flaws of Black Scholes Model most people don't know

In 1973, Fisher Black, Myron Scholes and separately Robert Merton derived the Black-Scholes-Merton (BSM) model, which was rewarded the Nobel Prize in 1997. Despite its limitations, the model has survived until today as the dominant pricing model for standard and exotic European style options.

India could allow foreign banks to buy local banks

Part of liberalized rules on entry of foreign banks.

India speeds-up internationalization of the rupee

Will launch first offshore rupee bond program.

India asks for assured financing for development projects

Asks that special windows for ensuring finance be created.