Indian banks offer cheap loans for motorcycles and home appliances
Indian banks offer cheap loans for motorcycles and home appliances
Intend to stimulate demand for consumer items.
Indian banks' asset quality pressures feared to persist
Will they ever get out of this problematic hole?
Banking license shortlist ready in a month
Applications currently being screened.
Arundhati Bhattacharya to be named CEO of State Bank of India
Will be first woman CEO of India’s largest lender.
Indian parliament thumbs down new bank licenses
Presents government with a massive problem.
Government investigating Indian banks’ unfair practices
Announces a study to facilitate investigation.
India boosting banking sector support for SMEs
Sets-up committee for provision of comprehensive financial services.
ICICI develops FB app for cash transfers
App targeted at young, net-savvy customers.
Indian government warns banks not to use unregistered telemarketers
Is receiving a large number of complaints from consumers.
RBI clarifies rule on ODIs
Confusion arising from existing and new regulations.
Only 40,000 Indian villages have bank branches
India has 600,000 villages.
Indian banks bolstered by new US$5 billion swap facility
It’s a huge help in their overseas fundraising.
India Post pushes plan to establish Post Bank of India
This despite government opposition.
MasterCard Purchase Control solution now available in India
Axis Bank now offers clients increased transaction security.
Indian Overseas Bank deepens cash management ties with Deutsche Bank
To speed up USD payments to China.
Will UBS quit its investment banking business in India?
Resignation of managing director fueling speculation.
Axis Bank upgrades security and control solution to corporate clients
Taps MasterCard's purchase control services for the first time.
WealthTech vs. Banks: The battle for Asia’s $700b digital wealth opportunity
Empowering Women in Finance: Securing a Future of Opportunity
Generative AI revolution: Asian banks on the brink of a new era