Lindsey Lamont via Unsplash.

ICBC Asia warns against phishing SMS message

The bank said that it has reported the case to the local police.

The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia), based in Hong Kong, is warning customers against a fraudulent phishing SMS message.

In a press statement, ICBC Asia said that it has no connection to the message.

The bank also reminded its customers and the public to be vigilant and not to provide any personal data through SMS messages.

ICBC Asia has reported the above case to the Hong Kong Police Force and will report to the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA).

Anyone who has provided personal information through such fraudulent SMS message are asked to immediately report it to the Hong Kong Police Force or call the bank’s customer service hotline on (852) 2189 5588.

In a separate statement, the HKMA reminded the public that banks will not send SMS or emails with embedded hyperlinks which direct them to the banks’ websites to carry out transactions.  

“They will not ask customers for sensitive personal information, such as login passwords or One-Time Password, by phone, email or SMS (including via embedded hyperlinks),” the HKMA stated.

Earlier in May, two other banks in Hong Kong have warned against phishing emails.

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