Over 3 in 4 Visa payments in Vietnam are contactless
Over 4 in 5 in Vietnam named mobile wallets as their preferred payment method.
Over 75% of face-to-face transactions in Vietnam that used Visa cards were through contactless means, reports Visa Consulting & Analytics (VCA) and YouGov.
VCA and YouGov used data from 1,038 respondents in Vietnam from 30 August to 6 September 2024.
Over 4 in 5 or (80%) named mobile wallets as their preferred payment method, whilst 68% utilize tap-to-pay, Visa found in a separate online research involving 1,500 Vietnamese respondents.
Over 1 in 3 (39%) of Vietnamese consumers said that they trust smartphones for high-value transactions.
The introduction of mobile wallets such as Apple Pay, Garmin Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay has significantly driven this trend, reflecting growing consumer confidence and a rising demand for these payment options, Visa noted.