, Indonesia

Indonesian banks fatten cash supply as festivities near

Branches allot additional cash for ATMs as Idul Fitri celebrations approach.

Banks are making preparations for the expected increase in banking transactions in the lead-up to Idul Fitri festivities, which fall on Sept. 9 and 10.

Finance and strategy director of state lender Bank Mandiri, Pahala Mansuri, told The Jakarta Post over the weekend that the bank would keep 120 branches open during the holiday season.

He said the branches would be open to handle specific transactions, such as fuel payment transactions and its payments to state-owned oil company Pertamina.

He added that Bank Mandiri would also serve customers should any banking problems emerge.

“Our call center is open 24 hours a day and ready to serve customers,” he said via telephone, adding that the bank’s text message and Internet banking services would operate as normal.

Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) spokesman Muhamad Ardiansyah said via telephone that BRI’s call center and Internet banking services would continue to operate during the holidays.

View the full story in the Jakarta Post.

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